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Published: 29-Oct-12
Eat Healthy - Exercise - Feel Good And Live
Want to know the secret to losing weight and getting in shape? It's easy, eat healthy exercise and just generally take good care of yourself. It's not rocket science and it's not a new concept. Today we are all looking for the 'quick fix'. We've gotten kind of spoiled with science coming to the rescue and making everything easy. The truth is that it doesn't have to be overly difficult, but it will take some time and a little effort on your part.

If you keep doing the same things you've always done, than you won't lose weight. It will take some time to change habits, but it can be done. Just be realistic in your outlook and be willing to give it some time and you'll be where you need to be sooner than you may have thought.

I have a friend who wants to lose about 80 lbs. and she's got the best attitude I've ever seen in someone who is trying to make lifestyle changes. She understands that it will take some time, she's not set herself up for failure by having unrealistic expectations. Too many people decide a few weeks before their class reunion or that holiday party that they want to lose weight. They don't give them self enough time and they don't reach their goal so they give up and never lose the weight they want to lose.

of course, all the positive outlook in the world won't do you any good if you don't eat properly. Before you start on your new eat healthy exercise routine, make sure to talk to your doctor. Sure this will be good for you but if you have any underlying health issues you need to make sure that you are doing things the best way considering your needs.

Eating healthy requires you to lower your daily caloric intake. The exact amount you need to take in every day will depend on many variables such as your age, your gender and the amount of activity you get every day. That doesn't necessarily mean exercise, just how much you 'move' on a daily basis.

Once you've figured out what your caloric intake needs to be you should figure out a food plan. For the most part you'll want to keep things as natural as possible. Stay away from highly processed foods.

When it comes to eating breads and cereals remember to stay away from 'white 'foods. White breads, white rice, etc are loaded with unhealthy carbs. There are virtually no health benefits from eating those types of foods. Try instead to eat more high fiber, whole grain breads and brown rice, those offer some nutritious benefits.

Keep your red meat to a minimum. If possible try to eat a few non-meat meals every week. When you do have meat, just make sure to have boneless, skinless chicken, only lean red meat, when you eat red meat. Fish and other types of seafood like shrimp are also very good sources of low fat protein. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep you in great shape.

So do the two step process for staying in shape: eat healthy - exercise. It works, just go for it.

Republished with author's permission.