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Published: 13-Oct-12
Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss Does It Work
If you think running is the only exercise that can help you lose weight, consider yoga exercise for weight loss. You might think of yoga as something you do while sitting still. It doesn't seem strenuous enough to help with weight loss, does it?

Yoga can help you lose weight, no matter which kind of yoga you do. There are many different forms of yoga, and not all of them are the best exercise for weight loss if you do them and nothing else. But combined with other exercises, yoga can help speed your weight loss and more quickly improve your health.

And then there are the forms of yoga that actually give you a great cardiovascular workout. These are more aerobic, and you will sweat when you do them. They raise your heart rate and your respiration because they are yoga poses combined with quicker movements.

This type of yoga is often known as power yoga or hot yoga. Hot yoga is often done in a classroom setting in a room with a higher temperature than normal. This makes the yoga exerciser sweat more. Whether this wedding can help or not is a subject of debate. But the heart rate raising exercise definitely helps with weight loss.

The form of yoga exercise that helps most with weight loss is called flow yoga, or more formally Vinyasa yoga. There are several different styles of yoga even under the Vinyasa umbrella. Hot yoga is this type of yoga done in a hot room, for instance.

Of the different types of Vinyasa yoga exercise, one of the most popular is Ashtanga yoga. This form of yoga combines several very athletic movements. The poses are still the same as someone might do in a very calm and slow paced workout.

The chief difference between traditional yoga poses in a workout of this type is the movements between the poses. Instead of holding a pose for a very long time and then slowly transitioning to a new pose, the poses are held more briefly. The movements between them are more athletic.

If you've never done yoga before, don't try to start out with power yoga classes. Regular yoga in the beginner level will still help you lose weight. Yoga is excellent for making you more flexible and toning your muscles.

You might look at yoga poses and think it couldn't possibly be exercise, but it is. Holding the poses requires muscle control and balance. Improving these things will help your body burn fat more efficiently.

Traditional yoga also makes it easier for you to do aerobic exercise. The more you tone and sculpt your muscles, the stronger you become. You'll be able to do your aerobic exercises more easily and for longer periods of time.

If you're familiar with traditional yoga and can do it fairly well, then try a beginner power yoga class. Taking a class is the best way to learn yoga exercise for weight loss, so you know you'll be doing it correctly.

Republished with author's permission.